Seven Empires

The Four Beasts


The four beasts of Daniel 7 tell of the final division of the Islamic Empire into four main prophetic groups. We have already seen Islam described as divided feet and toes which certainly makes this concept possible. In Daniel 7 the four winds of Heaven stir up the Great Sea. Four beasts, each one different from the other, were driven up. Daniel saw;

1. A Lion standing like a man

2. A Bear with three ribs in its mouth

3. A Four-Headed Leopard with four wings

4. A Ten-Horned Beast too terrible to describe

Four Simultaneous Kingdoms, Not Consecutive Kingdoms

Others have noted that kings or kingdoms can be represented by the four beasts in verses 17 and 23 of Daniel 7, the meaning is interchangeable. Daniel describes these beast-kingdoms as the first, a second, and the fourth. This has led some to believe they arose from the Sea one after the other (suggesting consecutive empires). However in Revelation 4:6-7 the Apostle John described four heavenly creatures in a similar way—first, second, third and fourth—and we know he saw all four at the same time, not one after the other. Describing visionary creatures as first, second, third and fourth does not suggest a sequence, it only means Daniel cannot describe four objects at once, like John or any other human being.

In Daniel 7:7 we are told that the fourth terrible beast was different from all the beasts which were before it. It might be assumed that this means earlier in time, but throughout the book of Daniel, including this passage, the original Aramaic word for before actually speaks of spatial orientation. In other words, one object in front of another, with both existing at the same time. So the four beasts signify four simultaneous realms just before the coming of God's Kingdom.

The four end-time kingdoms actually arise at the same time when the four winds break on the Great Sea. In a similar way, two other passages in Daniel say the Greek Empire was divided into four kingdoms towards the four winds of Heaven, Daniel 8:8, 11:3-4. The point is this; the beasts do not symbolize four successive kingdoms, but four simultaneous divisions of the biblical world near the end of the age, just as the Greek Empire was divided into four (map 13).

No Revived Roman Empire

This means the usual teaching about the fourth terrible beast cannot be true. It is regularly equated by both Jewish and Christian commentators with the fourth empire in the sequence of the Statue of Daniel 2, i.e. the ancient Roman Empire. Christian expositors furthermore propose it to relate to a "revived Roman Empire" now believed to be the fifteen (?) member European Community.

Simultaneous Dominion, Simultaneous Rule

However, Daniel 7:11-12 says after the fourth beast is destroyed the other three beasts have their dominion taken away. This means all four rule at the same time until their authority is taken away. Their dominion is not removed sequentially, one beast after another, but all three at once, after the destruction of the fourth beast. This vision cannot speak of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome as four successive empires (the prevailing notion), it describes four realms at the end of the age. All four lose their ruling power, but only the fourth is annihilated, the others remain intact for a little while.

For a short time the fourth realm will devastate Israel and persecute all who serve God. But it will be destroyed, after which the remaining Islamic regions, and ultimately the entire planet, will submit to the reign of One like a Son of Man, the Messiah who comes with the clouds of heaven, bringing the everlasting Kingdom.

Locating the Four Kingdoms

Where are these four kingdoms located in the modern Middle East? The ten horns of the fourth beast are located largely in the territory corresponding with the Seleucid division of the Greek Empire (maps 13-15). Today the predominant Islamic state in this region is Syria. After the Gulf War Syria is Israel's most dangerous foe. Even during the recent peace talks with Israel there has been extreme reluctance by Syria to talk of a full peace. Syria seeks to dominate the Arab side of the present comprehensive "peace process" and is well pictured as part of a terrible beast.

Only one of the other four beasts may tentatively be identified at this time. The lion with wings which stands up like a man may possibly represent Egypt. Against the prevailing attitude of the majority of the Islamic world Egypt stretched out its hand to make peace with Israel. Egypt also corresponds to one of the four divisions of the Greek Empire, the Ptolemaic. It is interesting to note that in May of 1991, only a few months after the Gulf War deeply divided the Arab-Muslim world, Egypt's Secretary of State was unanimously elected as Secretary General of the twenty-one nation Arab League. Almost a year later an Egyptian became Secretary General of the United Nations. The other two beasts no doubt represent further divisions in Islam. They will be identified as the end of the age draws on. In the near future a powerful dictator will gain control of the league of ten and magnify himself against Israel and God. After a time of savage rule he will be annihilated. The returning Son of Man, the Messiah, will rule the world.


The Past
The Future